Thursday, January 3, 2008

To Do Lists Redux

Okay, so I'm back on the to do list rant. Tell me, how can some little girl's to do lists be a book? How can people actually pay to read it? What is interesting about that? A to do list is all the things you have not yet accomplished. So not only is she young and inexperienced, apparently she has a long list of things not accomplished. Why are we interested in that? Why don't we want to know what has been accomplished? Or is the best we can do to applaud the much lesser accomplishment of having created a to do list? I think we should like to see a "Done" list; a list of all that has already been accomplished. Or, even better, a list of "what I am not going to think about today so I can live in the moment". It can be argued that a "Done" list is the past and a "To Do" list is the future. So is a non-list the present? Even better, maybe we should simply abandon lists (yes I keep coming back to that) and live what is in front of us, each and every moment of each and every day. Would everything get done? No. Would everything that absolutely has to be done get done? I think so.

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